Revolving Fund Properties Available
Louisville Preservation Fund DBA Vital Sites was originally established as a revolving fund for historic properties with initial investment in Whiskey Row. The donation of 5 shotgun houses in Phoenix Hill led to our first historic rehabilitation project, and the sale of the East Broadway Row houses ‘revolved’ funds so we were able to purchase the former Schweitzer Pharmacy in Portland. Vital Sites supports the use of historic rehabilitation tax credits.

Schweitzer Pharmacy (AKA Hertel Pharmacy)
Address: 2565 Bank St, Louisville, KY 40212
Year Built: ca. 1902
Current Zoning / Form District: C1 / TN
Overlay District: N/A
Enterprise Zone: YES
Neighborhood / Council Dist.: Portland / 5
Historic Site: Listed on National Register of Historic Places in Feb. 2021 (eligible for tax credits)
Please contact Heath Seymour at 502-260-4488 if interested in this property