Happy Hour History Highlights: Historic Sites Near You!

Did you miss Happy Hour History: Historic Sites Near You! on June 17? Well, great news: you can watch the recording HERE. Or maybe you wanted to check out those links mentioned without re-watching the episode? Keep reading! But first, we invite you to check out all of our recordings so far at our new videos page. Then, stay up …

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Research your home from home! (Part 2)

Welcome back! If you missed the first part, read here for a tiny lesson on city directories! Today, we’re talking about MAPS. In these strange times, it’s nice to know that there is a wealth of information available online for research. You can check out one great Kentucky map collection at University of Louisville’s Digital Collections. It features 4 of …

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Research your home from home! (Part 1)

This is Part 1 of a 3-part series. Part 2. Part 3. Thought about researching your home lately? Maybe you’ve recently found yourself with some extra time these days? If you live in an historic house (or know someone who does), consider learning more about it! While many museums and local archives have resources you can peruse in person, there …

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